What is smoke cleansing?
Typically an ancient practice, burning aromatic woods, resins and plants for spiritual and other purposes.

Why should I cleanse?
Commonly cleansing is done when you feel as if there is bad energy attached to your home, belongings, other people or yourself.
What should I cleanse?
There is no specific thing you can or can't cleanse, typically your space, belongings, crystals, card decks, other people and yourself.
There is no specific thing you can or can't cleanse, typically your space, belongings, crystals, card decks, other people and yourself.
How to Cleanse?
Firstly, you will need to prepare your space by ensuring it's well ventilated to allow the smoke and bad energy to leave.
Lighting the end of your smoke cleansing tool for about 10-20 seconds, blow out any remaining flames and allow the tool to smoulder and smoke. For safety reasons it is best to hold a fire safe dish filled partly with sand to extinguish the tool if necessary.
Instinctively you will know who, what, when and where you should be cleansing. Often practiced by moving in a clockwise motion and repeating your intention for e.g "I remove all negative energy from this space/person/belonging, I invite only positive energy into this space/person/belonging".
Ensure you are moving around your space or object completely blanketing them in the smouldering smoke setting your intentions, once you feel as if the task has been completed it is best to set down your tool into your fireproof bowl and let it burn out and stop smoking by itself.

Smoke Cleansing Tools
There are different types of smoke cleansing tools available, most commonly used are ethically scoured natural Herbs and Resins. Here is a list of smoke cleansing tool names, each having a different purpose.
Sage / White Sage - Clearing negative energies
Palo Santo - Purifier of grounding energies
Cedar - Boosting positive energies
Lavender - Psychic protection
Sweet Grass - Harmony within the home
Mugwort - Helping connect with the spiritual realm
Copal - Raising vibrations
Safety Precautions
Smoke cleansing should be handled with caution and all fire safety procedures are put in place in the event of an emergency, keep your fire safe dish filled partly with sand/salt on you at all times during the smoke cleansing to safely extinguish the tool when needed. Ensure your space is well ventilated to reduce the chance of smoke inhalation, smoke or allergy sensitive people should be asked to leave the space as large amounts of fragrant smoke can be produced from time to time. When purchasing smoke cleaning tools avoid chemical additives in the products keeping them naturally and ethically scoured to avoid any toxic chemicals being burnt in your space.