You've heard about Charkas but what are they and how can the relate to crystals? Chakra means “wheel” and refers to energy points in your body which spin clockwise. If you have a blocked Chakra, this will spin anti clock wise which can create a feeling of "lack of control on life." A balanced Chakra, you will feel aligned safe and connected.
We have 7 major Chakras which are Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown and start at the crown of your head and run down your spine to the base of your spine.
So, how do crystals relate to the Chakras? Just like Chakras, crystals are energy which we can use to work with and tune into. Crystals carry healing properties, and certain crystals energies are connected to each Chakra meaning they can help them balance/align.
To balance your Chakras with crystals, all you need to do is place them on the energetic points of your body that each Chakra is located.

While doing this, meditate for 10-15 minutes, while imagining a white light cleansing and unblocking each Chakra.
After this you should feel lighter, balanced and more in control of your life. Remember to drink plenty of water and take it easy after any healing work.